I don't have tomorrow yet, and may not.
Yesterday can only be lived over in my memory.
The Lord has given me this day only, and He will provide everything I need to live it the way He desires. And I never do take enough of what He has to offer. Actually, I never could take enough. Enough love, enough patience, enough gentleness, enough strength, enough wisdom. It's all there for me to ask for, and I do ask, well, sort of. I usually want things to be on my own terms, and that generally means I want things to change to suit me, not to see change in me that will glorify God. And so I think about how things MIGHT be tomorrow, if I'm in a better mood (or if maybe the people around me are easier to get along with!) or if I could just have done something differently yesterday. You know, that 20/20 hindsight vision! Sometimes I ask God why He didn't help me not to mess up after I already have. And when I drop my pride, and humbly seek His wisdom, I can see how I ignored what He would have had me do, the opportunity I didn't take (often the opportunity of being silent instead of opening my mouth!) even though He was there, ready to lead me. If only I'd have been humble enough to follow. And yet He keeps on loving me. Steadfast love. Unfailing love. It's all there.
And yet I always feel that I want something more. What more is there than God?
What is it that I could ask for that would be better than the slightest gift He offers?
So, what does this have to do with Down Syndrome? Nothing, really. Just what's on my heart. But it does make me think of Sam. He has no hesitation coming to me for things that he wants, in full expectation that I'll give it to him. (although that perception is gradually changing as the little guy is wanting things he should have and hearing the word "No" much more frequently!) But if he wants a drink, he heads over to me and signs "milk," looking up at me with every confidence that I will head to the refrigerator and pour him some. And I usually will. And when he wants up he marches over with both arms outstretched, not doubting that I - or his daddy, or pretty much any sibling in the room - are going to scoop him up and enjoy that huge hug he gives. You can see it in his face when he looks at us. He is confident that we all love
So, what does this have to do with Down Syndrome? Nothing, really. Just what's on my heart. But it does make me think of Sam. He has no hesitation coming to me for things that he wants, in full expectation that I'll give it to him. (although that perception is gradually changing as the little guy is wanting things he should have and hearing the word "No" much more frequently!) But if he wants a drink, he heads over to me and signs "milk," looking up at me with every confidence that I will head to the refrigerator and pour him some. And I usually will. And when he wants up he marches over with both arms outstretched, not doubting that I - or his daddy, or pretty much any sibling in the room - are going to scoop him up and enjoy that huge hug he gives. You can see it in his face when he looks at us. He is confident that we all love
him to pieces. What does the Lord see when I finally choose to turn my face toward Him? Is it a confidence that my Father loves me, and that that love does not depend on what I've done, but merely the fact that I am His? His Word tells me that He loves me. And He has never failed me. And He never will.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

His gifts are uncountable. Sam is one of them! But there are so m
any others. And I need to remember them.
He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power. Isaiah 40:29
For the LORD God is a sun and
shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding Proverbs 2:6

The Doodlebug and Dayton carving pumpkins!!!
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